Kara has really blossomed this past year. Her vocabulary(very articulate and argumentive, come back for everything) Mastered the computer, pulls up the internet,favorites, Disney Clubhouse and tries to print a coloring sheet all by herself. Eventually have to put a block on this computer. Loves to read,watch TV,movies(knows how to turn the TV on and put her movie in without me knowing) and she loves her penguins. She only plays with stuffed animals(no dolls or Barbies)she plays school, store,"family" with them, even changes her voice with each one. She loves to sing or hum a tune throughout the day. She likes to make up her own words. She tells me she likes school but doesn't like taking a nap there or listening to Mrs.Becky. She has many,many years of listening to her teachers I tell her. We had her first "friend" party this year and she was excited to invite everyone. Told me she was inviting 5,000 of her friends. Glad she finally narrowed down a little.